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Homenagem a Athos Bulcão foi a primeira intervenção do MOVA, organizada para reapropriação do Estudio 3 da FAUSP, abandonado pelo processo de reforma da cobertura. Para execução da ação preparamos um grid a longo da parede de 80 m2, trouxemos papeis recortados em quadrados para simular o azuleijos utilizados pelo artista e outros papeis trinagulares. A ação foi divulgada no facebook.  O Painel ainda sobrevivê e foi cenário da reportagem sobre o Guilherme Arantes na revista Trip e da reportagem sobre a reforma do edifício da FAUUSP na revista Arquitetura e Construção.




The Athos Bulcão tribute was the first official intervention of the MOVA's collective.


The idea surged in a Brasilia Trip, when we realise the difficulty of the access of the normal people to the architecture and arts in the capital of Brazil.


Brasilia is a planed city, built in the central region of the country and designed by renamed "modern"architects and urbanists to be the managing center of Brazil. In this context Athos Bulcão was an important partner of the Modern Architects and his art are everywhere, they are mainly big panels of ceramic with modular design, what can produce a very interesting visual effect.


Around the beatiful and organized Brasilia, the symbol of the Brazilian Modernism,  there are some "satellite cities" where live the workers and where there are any Monumental building or an Athos Bulcão panel.  The contrast is evident between all the spheres, and the matter was this contrast. We would like to bring a little of this art for these abandoned places and forgotten people. 


When we came back to the school of Architecture, we were still thinking about all the reality and the contrast that we saw and lived in the central region. Finally to put down all  affliction inside us, we decide to organise the Athos Bulcão tribute for the re habilitation of the Studio 3 at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, which was abandoned due the restauration process of the roof of the building. 


For the action was built a grid on the 80 m2 wall. We brought squared color paper to simulate the ceramic used by the artist and other formate of papers. The invitation for  participation in the action was published in the Facebook and we count around 50 people doing the panel randomly. The work is still there and was scenario of some news like in the "TRIP" and the "Arquitetura e Construção" magazines.




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