Homenagem a Athos Bulcão foi a primeira intervenção do MOVA, organizada para reapropriação do Estudio 3 da FAUSP, abandonado pelo processo de reforma da cobertura. Para execução da ação preparamos um grid a longo da parede de 80 m2, trouxemos papeis recortados em quadrados para simular o azuleijos utilizados pelo artista e outros papeis trinagulares. A ação foi divulgada no facebook. O Painel ainda sobrevivê e foi cenário da reportagem sobre o Guilherme Arantes na revista Trip e da reportagem sobre a reforma do edifÃcio da FAUUSP na revista Arquitetura e Construção.

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares

Open Studio of Bill Soares
Open Studio by Bill Soares
"Villa Madalena" is a neighbour of the São Paulo city known due the amount of cultural life. There are many Art Gallery, Architecture Office, Restaurant and etc. Every year it happens a Art Festival, the "Art on Vila Madalena", when those establishments "open the door" for all the people.
In 2011 the MOVA Collective was invited to contribute for a "living painting"of the facade of the Studio of Bill Soares. We worked with important names of the street art like "Mundano" and "Victor Rolin". The work was a success and was news in NewsPapers, News website and Magazines.